Não importa se foi lá, se foi aqui.
Não importa como vamos conseguir fazer tudo isso acontecer.
Na verdade, o que eu queria mesmo era ter todas as respostas.
Todas as alternativas e possibilidades para fazer acontecer.
Queria poder facilitar, ou pelo menos, descomplicar.
Às vezes até sinto uma imensa vontade de lhe dizer tudo, absolutamente
As coisas mais embaraçosas eu colocaria em um papel, escreveria, ao
melhor estilo antigo.
Não enviaria por e-mail, pois corro o risco de enviar antes da hora.
No papel eu poderia ler e reler, rabiscar e reescrever. Mas eu diria
Falar tudo oralmente não seria possível, ficaria rubra em muitas
afirmações e interrogações.
Isso me deixaria mais indefesa do quê ao escrever no papel. Não posso
ficar tão exposta.
É isso, está decidido, vou escrever tudo no papel.
Não mais 10%, nem 25%, muito menos 50%. Mas 100%.
Posso colocar tudo ali. Posso até rasgar em mil pedacinhos e ficará o
dito pelo não dito.
Me sentirei aliviada e tudo voltaria a ser como antes.
Na pior das hipóteses o antes sumiria e nós tentaríamos um depois mais
Não acha?
If you need English Version, just click bellow...
No matter if there was, it was here.
No matter how we get to do it all happen.
Actually, what I really wanted was to have all the answers.
All alternatives and possibilities to make it happen.
I wish I could ease, or at least, untangle.
Sometimes I even feel an urge to tell you everything, absolutely everything.
The most embarrassing things I would put on a paper, write to the old style.
Do not send email because I run the risk of sending early.
On paper I could read and reread, rewrite and doodling. But I would say it all!
Talking it orally would not be possible, would be red in many statements and questions.
That would make me the most defenseless of what to write on paper. I can not be so exposed.
That is decided, I will write it down on paper.
Not 10%, not 25%, much less 50%. But 100%.
I put everything there. I can even rip into a thousand pieces and will be said at unsaid.
I will feel relieved and everything would be as before.
At worst it would be gone before and we would try a more promising then.
Do not you think?
If you need English Version, just click bellow...
No matter if there was, it was here.
No matter how we get to do it all happen.
Actually, what I really wanted was to have all the answers.
All alternatives and possibilities to make it happen.
I wish I could ease, or at least, untangle.
Sometimes I even feel an urge to tell you everything, absolutely everything.
The most embarrassing things I would put on a paper, write to the old style.
Do not send email because I run the risk of sending early.
On paper I could read and reread, rewrite and doodling. But I would say it all!
Talking it orally would not be possible, would be red in many statements and questions.
That would make me the most defenseless of what to write on paper. I can not be so exposed.
That is decided, I will write it down on paper.
Not 10%, not 25%, much less 50%. But 100%.
I put everything there. I can even rip into a thousand pieces and will be said at unsaid.
I will feel relieved and everything would be as before.
At worst it would be gone before and we would try a more promising then.
Do not you think?
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